LiveSmart Server Video

Created: 30/01/2022
By: LiveSmart Video Team

Thank you for purchasing LiveSmart Server Video. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Features
  3. Requirements and Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Industries


LiveSmart Server Video is a server based application with video, audio, recording, screen sharing and file transfer face-to-face communication channels and integrated chat for theoretically unlimited attendees. The product does not require any additional installations or third party logins and accounts. You can set a highly customizable video conferencing tool with tons of features. LiveSmart Server Video is supported on all major desktop and mobile browsers.


Feature Demos and usages

Live video Demo with screen sharing, recording, file sharing, user management, whiteboard, YouTube channel streaming and file transfer

Online scheduling Health-care solution. Schedule meetings on definite timeframe. Meeting is automatically stopped at the end and there is a timer showing the remaining time.

Online lessons Broadcasting demo. Ideal for online classes. The tutor is with his camera and microphone on, while attendees are muted. They can raise a hand to request permission.

Monetization and subscriptions Subscriptions and payments. Start using LiveSmart as SaaS and earn money.

ChatGPT Directly start a meeting. You can ask AI different questions, while in a call or chat or alone in the room.

Speech recognition Speech is transformed into text messages for the other party.

Text to speech Type in your chat and your attendee will receive voice messages. This functionality can be combined with translation module.

Speech to text & translation Translation demo. Speech to text and translation. It requires Google API key and is available for Chrome. Chat messages are also translated.

Private rooms You can setup a private room by defining a password for it.

ScreenShare, File share Share your entire screen to present document or slides. Send files to all your participants.

Waiting room and admission Attendee can adjust video and audio settings before joining a meeting. Also host can have the option to admit a visitor or not in the meeting.

Whiteboard Collaborative whiteboard to help online teaching and presenters.

Chat Interactive chat with Emoji picker

Stream YouTube video Start the demo, open Settings, fill in YouTube URL and the video will start streaming.

Switch camera Switch between front and back camera of your mobile.

Localization For more information about how to do the localization of LiveSmart, visit this guide.

WoWonder Integration You can see the demo site and login with admin1/admin1234, demo1/demo1234 or create own user.

Requirements and Installation

For complete installation instructions and video tutorial, check this Installation Guide;


Possible usages:

- Set an online/offline contact button on your site and track and contact your visitors;
- Set a private room and share it with your contacts in order to establish a direct video call with screen sharing and file transfer;
- Switch between front and back camera of your mobile to make an outstanding demo for your customers;
- Use only chat for support and fun;


- All kind that can use peer-to-peer video communication on most of the browsers;
- Tech support. Share screen or transfer files with your troubled customers;
- Health care consultations;
- Online sales;
- Real estate agents;
- Car resellers;


If you have questions or requirements, please send email to: with a description of the problem and the system you are using - backend (Node.js or PHP, libraries, versions, error logs), browser name and version and if possible console logs, OS.

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